Shield Row Primary School is proud to be a member of Tudhoe Learning Trust.
Governance within the Trust is the responsibility of the Board of Directors, who have chosen to delegate some of their powers in relation to governance to the school's Local Governing Body.
The Local Governing Body (LGB) comprises of governors elected by parents, governors elected by staff, the Head Teacher and a number of governors appointed by the Board of Directors.
The LGB meets every term and is responsible for the following functions:​​​
The strategic planning of the school
Monitoring the progress of the school's School Improvement priorities
Holding school senior leaders to account for pupils' outcomes and progress
Monitoring the school's budget
Monitoring the effectiveness of specific areas identified by Directors
As part of their work, governors make regular visits to the school and look at key areas of the school's activity - pupil achievement and progress, safeguarding, use of Pupil Premium and PE grant funding, reading, attendance as well as Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
Through its work, the LGB promotes high standards and educational achievement for all pupils in the school.
The LGB has no responsibility for making any changes to the budget once Directors have agreed it, or authorising any additional expenditure unless the Trust’s Executive Head Teacher and/or Chief Financial Officer have given prior approval.
The 3 core functions of the Governing Body are:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Holding school leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
Chair of Governors:
Mr Wayne Thompson
OTHER Governors:
Mrs Kirstin Tate (Vice Chair/ Member Appointed)
Ms Jill Cooke (Headteacher)
Mr James Neilands (Member Appointed)
Mrs Katy Ioannides (Member Appointed)
Mrs Tracy Dodds (Member Appointed)
Mr Craig Webber (Parent)
Mr Mark Riley-Gledhill (Parent)
Mr Ross Herring (Parent)
Mrs Adele Bolton (Staff)
Mrs Christine Paley (Staff)
Governors can be contacted c/o of Shield Row Primary School
King Edward VIII Terrace
Tel: 01207 239 661
Relevant Documentation
Click any of the titles below to download the associated document.
Governor Attendance 2022/23