Information for parents & Guardians

Hello Parents & Guardians!
This section of our site is especially for the parents and guardians of pupils currently attending Shield Row Primary School.
Here you'll find a range of key information and downloads, from term times to uniforms.
If you have any questions or want further information, please contact us.

Use thE handy menu to navigate this section
After school clubs
We offer a range of after school clubs which change on a half termly basis.
Overseen by a dedicated and enthusiastic team of staff the clubs cover:
the arts
board games
specific skills such as sign language.
All clubs run until 4:30pm.
If you require a later collection time, your child can access Recharge, our tea time club, until 6pm. There are three options for Recharge and costs vary. See our clubs page for more information.

​​TERM DATES 2024/ 2025
Autumn Term 2024
Thursday 5th September 2024 to Friday 25th October 2024
Monday 4th November 2024 to Friday 20th December 2024
School will be closed on Friday 6th December for teacher training.
Spring Term 2025
Monday 6th January 2025 to Friday 21st February 2025
Monday 3rd March 2025 to Friday 11th April 2025
Summer 2025
Monday 28th April 2025 to Friday 23rd May 2025
Monday 2nd June 2025 to Friday 18th July 2025
School will be closed on Monday 5th May 2025 for May Day
TERM DATES 2025/ 2026
Autumn Term 2025
Wednesday 3rd September 2025 to Friday 24th October 2025
Monday 4th November 2024 to Friday 20th December 2024
School will be closed on Friday 5th December for teacher training.
Spring Term 2025
Monday 5th January 2026 to Friday 20th February 2026
Monday 2nd March 2026 to Friday 2nd April 2026
Summer 2025
Monday 20th April 2026 to Friday 22nd May 2026
Monday 1st June 2026 to Friday 17th July 2026
School will be closed on Monday 4th May 2026 for May Day

Yearly Planner​s
The aim of our yearly planners is to give you an overview of as many upcoming events as we can, so you can make any necessary arrangements in advance.
Use the link below to download this year's planner.

We send out half termly newsletters to showcase the wonderful things that are going on in school and to share important information with you. Please find our half-termly newsletters here.
Autumn 1 2024 - COMING SOON
We send out a safeguarding newsletter each month to share important information with you to support safeguarding your children. Copies of these can be found on our Safeguarding page.

We believe that a uniform is helpful in establishing good standards of appearance in school and that it helps our children to develop a sense of identity, pride and community.
We have a PE uniform, as children as asked to come to school in their PE kits on their PE day.
We ask that all clothing items are clearly marked with your child's name to ensure that they can be returned to you if they are mislaid.
Children are not permitted to wear makeup or nail varnish at school.
Our uniform guide for Nursery and Reception is a little different. To ensure children can be as independent as possible going to the toilet and are dressed to play outside: jumping, running, climbing, etc. we ask that children were jogging bottoms or leggings and trainers. Please see the guides below.

You can order school uniforms directly from our provider Border Embroideries by clicking here.
We offer pre-loved uniform items on our Uniformd shop which is run by our School Council. These items are available free or for a small donation. Our shop can be found here.

Home Reading and Homework​

Year 1
Years 2-6
The importance of reading for children cannot be underestimated. Reading for pleasure can benefit a child’s education, social and cognitive development, their wellbeing, and their mental health.
Reading is a key life skill. It is commonly said that a child’s future academic success and job prospects are directly related to their reading proficiency.
We ask our parents/ carers to support us fully with reading. Please see the Reading Overview sheets for more information.
Any additional learning/ practice carried out at home is focused on securing basic skills. Children are expected to read regularly at home, as outlined above, and from Y1 to Y6 children will have spellings to learn on a weekly basis and from Y2 times tables to practice. Securing these basic skills will support their academic progress as well as their self-confidence. Short, regular bursts of practice are best.
We also focus on developing children's vocabulary to enhance their communication skills and improve their comprehension. On Friday's children from Reception to Y6 will come home wearing a 'Word of the Week' sticker to show you the new word they have focused on that week. Please encourage the use of these words at home and in every day conversations.
If you would like any specific tasks or advice for your children to support their learning, please just speak to their class teacher.

Attendance & Punctuality
There is an overwhelming connection between those pupils who are frequently absent from school and those who go on to underachieve. Full attendance is therefore vital for your child’s educational progress and they are expected to attend for the full 190 days of the academic year, unless there is a good reason for absence.
If absence is unavoidable, please ring the school office on the first day of absence by 9:30am at the latest. If school has not received a reason for absence we will try to contact you. If within 5 days of the absence school has not been able to ascertain a reason for the absence, it will be recorded as 'unauthorised'. Unauthorised absences can result in enforcement action from the Local Authority.
In the event that your child has had symptoms of vomiting and/or diarrhoea, they should not be sent school until at least 48 hours after the last bout. The same procedure should be followed if your child is sent home from school for vomiting and/or diarrhoea.
If your child needs to leave school during school time for an appointment, the office must be notified beforehand. No child will be allowed to leave school during the school day unaccompanied.
The school, the Local Authority and the DfE take attendance very seriously. We have a dedicated Attendance Team in school comprising of Miss Cooke (Headteacher), Miss Bambridge (Attendance Champion) and Miss Bainbridge (Office Manager). We monitor the attendance of all pupils and where concerns arise we aim to work with families to support improvement.
Please see an overview of school's procedures in a handy download.
School doors open at 8.45am and close at 8:55am. Class registration is closed at 9.25am.
Please ensure that your child arrives at school on time.
Any child arriving later than 8:55am should enter school via the main entrance and report to the school office. Children who arrive after 9am will be recorded as late. If punctuality becomes a concern, school will contact you to see how we can support you to get your child into school on time.

Leave of Absence During Term Time
Parents are strongly urged to avoid taking leave during term time. Very few requests for holidays are authorised during term time as authorisation is only given in exceptional circumstances.
In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to request a leave of absence. All such cases should be applied for in writing on the schools Application For Request For Leave Of Absence During Term Time form.
Parents should request leave of absence in advance and all requests should be submitted at least two weeks before the first day of intended absence using the form.
Forms can be picked up from the school office or downloaded here.

Food in School​
Children are welcome to choose between a packed lunch or a school meal for lunch.
All children in Reception and Years 1-2 are eligible for free school meals. From Year 3 upwards children whose families meet the criteria are entitled to free school meals.
Click here for full details of eligibility criteria.
School meals are priced at £2.81 per day and children order their lunch choice every morning at registration.
Special dietary requirements can be catered for. We operate a zero nuts policy.
All children are asked to bring a water bottle to school each day and take it home each night for cleaning. Children are actively encouraged to drink water throughout the day.
Under the Fruit in School scheme, children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 will receive a piece of fruit each day free of charge.
Years 1-6 can purchase a fruit juice, yogurt or piece of fruit at morning break for 30p.
Sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks and energy drinks cannot be brought into school.

School Communication - ARBOR
We use Arbor to send out letters, text messages and information to the parents and carers of children at Shield Row Primary School.
It is important that you register for this service so that we can communicate with you in a timely manner
We will ask you for your email address when your child joins us and you will receive an email to activate your account.
If you have any issues getting access to Arbor, please call us on 01207 239 661 and we will be happy to help you.

At Shield Row Primary School we use Seesaw to develop our home-school partnership and allow parents to communicate easily with their child's class teacher. There are two apps available to access SeeSaw - Seesaw Classroom and Seesaw Parent and Family - both have different purposes.
SeeSaw Classroom is an app to link home and school by establishing on online journal for your child. It can be used to share children’s school work with parents at home. More recently, it can be used to share home learning with your child’s teacher.
You can upload pictures, videos, PDF documents and notes. The app enables you to add captions and voice notes to work. As teachers, we can set assignments for your child to view and give feedback on work that has been submitted.
Seesaw Parent and Family is used for parents to view a child’s journal. If you have more than one child at Shield Row Primary, then you can view all your children's journals.
Through the Family app you can message your child’s teacher (once they have messaged you and established the contact chain) and comment on the journal entries. Once you have logged into this app, it will stay logged in. This app will not notify you of any assignments that have been set by teachers. When a teacher sends an announcement, you will receive an email notification sent to the account that you have used to link to SeeSaw.
When your child starts at Shield Row, you will be given a unique code to allow you to sign up!